Resources for Students, Fauclty, and 工作人员


COVID-19 has changed how we function as a society and how we function as individuals 在日常生活中. 的 pandemic has made it harder to deal with emotions and has 给我们的生活增加了更多的压力. And, for many, prior coping mechanisms are no longer feasible 在这种新的生活方式中.


If you find yourself bored in quarantine and need to chat: 访问隔离聊天

"它是如何工作的. Once you sign up and choose your language preferences, you'll be subscribed 定期呼叫. Your caller ID will always say 'QuarantineChat' when your phone 环. After a brief moment on hold, you'll match with another random person."



NPR“新鲜空气”播客: I采访一位来自 高等教育编年史 about how colleges and universities are responding to the pandemic, with particular 关注财务影响.



纽约时报“每日”播客:  纽约时报 interviews a student who was quarantined at the University of Alabama after testing 积极的.




我们的主管安吉拉·戈蒂埃说 "Try to do at least one thing that makes you  happy, that fills your tank, each day."


首选: 健康协会的 冠状病毒焦虑练习册 will help you  manage the variety of emotions that you may be experiencing.


What the CDC says about stress in the time of COVID-19



Stress Management in times of Adversity

JED Foundation resources for managing COVID-19 and mental health.




